Document Outline

  • Cover

  • Title Page

  • Copyright

  • Dedication

  • Contents

  • About the Author

  • Preface

  • Acknowledgments

  • Chapter 1 What Defines a Psychoanalytic Therapy?

    • Background Information

    • Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytic Therapies

    • My Own Orientation

  • Chapter 2 The Psychoanalytic Sensibility

    • Curiosity and Awe

    • Complexity

    • Identification and Empathy

    • Subjectivity and Attunement to Affect

    • Attachment

    • Faith

    • Concluding Comments

  • Chapter 3 The Therapist’s Preparation

    • Orienting Considerations

    • Therapy for the Therapist

    • Other Valuable Foundations of Practice

    • Concluding Comments

  • Chapter 4 Preparing the Client

    • Establishing Safety

    • Educating the Patient About the Therapy Process

    • Concluding Comments

  • Chapter 5 Boundaries I: The Frame

    • Some General Observations about Therapists and Boundaries

    • Specific Boundaries and Their Vicissitudes

    • The Art of Saying No

    • Concluding Comments

  • Chapter 6 Basic Therapy Processes

    • Listening

    • Talking

    • Influences on Therapeutic Style

    • Integrating Psychoanalytic Therapy with Other Approaches

    • Power and Love

  • Chapter 7 Boundaries II: Quandaries

    • Accidents and More or Less Innocent Events

    • Enactments

    • Disclosure

    • Touch

    • Concluding Comments

  • Chapter 8 Molly

    • Original Clinical Picture

    • History of Treatment

    • Posttermination Observations

  • Chapter 9 Donna

    • Original Clinical Picture

    • History of Treatment

    • Posttermination Observations

  • Chapter 10 Ancillary Lessons of Psychoanalytic Therapy?

    • On Psychoanalytic Knowledge

    • Emotion

    • Development

    • Trauma and Stress

    • Intimacy and Sexuality

    • Self-Esteem

    • Forgiveness and Compassion

  • Chapter 11 Occupational Hazards and Gratifications

    • Occupational Hazards

    • Gratifications

  • Chapter 12 Self-Care

    • Care of the ID

    • Care of the Ego

    • Care of the Superego

    • Annotated Bibliography

    • References

    • Author Index

    • Subject Index

    • About Guilford Publications

    • From the Publisher